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Diese Mini-Box enthält 10 Wimpernsegmente, die jeweils in einer Länge von 10 mm oder 12mm erhältlich sind.


DIY Wimpernextensions

  • Aus hochwertigem koreanischem PBT-Material gefertigt
  • Dermatologisch getestet
  • 100% Vegan & ohne Tierversuche
  • Tragbar für 5-7 Tage
  • Ultradünnes Band
  • Weich und langlebig
  • Einfach anzuwenden
  • Wasserfest
  • Angenehm zu tragen
  • Natürlicher Look
  • Keine Rückstände
  • Einfach zu reinigen und zu pflegen
  • Bequem und zeitsparend


    Wimpern Styles

    Create your own look or use our eyelash placement tips as shown in the picture.

    Happy Lashes can be reused two to three times if well cared for.

    With our eyelash extensions you can create a unique look that perfectly suits your eyes and your style and that you can change and reinterpret at any time. With Happy Lashes you can experiment freely and create your very own eyelash map.

    You can combine the eyelash extensions in one length or in different lengths as you wish. You can also apply the extensions in several layers to increase the volume.

    Follow us on Instagram and TikTok for lots of tips, tricks and inspiration.

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